March 14, 2010, - 4:13 pm

Your Day in “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness”

By Debbie Schlussel

So, a nurse disses a Muslim construction worker by refusing to dance with him at a New York City bar, “Social.”  And what happens to her?  Well, the typical Muslim male response to women:  he tries to rape her in the bathroom and beats her senseless.  I suppose she should be thankful that, unlike Bebe, she still  has her nose and ears, right?


Muslim Attempted Rapist, Face Disfigurer Mbarek Lafrem Does Perp Walk

It’s not the first time, either.  Previously, I told you about the Muslim who attacked Jewish model Liskula Cohen because she wouldn’t accept his advances on her at a New York bar.  As a result he smashed glass in her face, disfiguring her face, which ruined her career.

I’m thinking of offering a new insurance product:  Muslim attack and plastic surgery insurance.  Pretty soon a heck of a lot more American women will need it.  Problem is, the premiums will have to be high in order to compensate for the likely high pay-out rate for expensive procedures.

More on the Muslim attack on the nurse:

The man police hunted for savagely beating a nurse in a Hell’s Kitchen bar bathroom after she dissed him on the dance floor has been charged.

Chief police spokesman Paul Browne says 30-year-old Mbarek Lafrem, of Norwood, Pa., was charged with assault and attempted rape. A phone number listed for him in Norwood was disconnected.

Browne says Lafrem was working at a midtown construction site. . . .

The victim, a 29-year-old pediatric nurse at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, suffered fractures to her nose, eye socket and skull and required 50 stitches to her face in the vicious assault at the pub early Thursday morning.
see more videos

Lafrem admitted he had tried to cut in while the woman was dancing with another man but she rebuffed him. He said he was drunk and angry, and when she went to the bathroom, he followed her in and brutally beat her, the sources said.

She was found lying unconscious with her pants down.

Although a rape kit came back negative, police are treating it as an attempted sexual assault. . . . .

The victim, who underwent surgery at Weill Cornell Medical Center was recovering with her family yesterday.

(Plus, he stiffed his landlady on the rent.)

Sadly, I wish this “Religion of Peace” peacefulness was only an occasional thing. But it happens every second somewhere around the world. And, now, we’re seeing more and more of it on our shores, because we did and still do nothing to stop the spread of Islam in America and bend over backward to appease and tolerate its extremism and violence.

I’m sure we’ll get comments from defenders of the Religion of faux-Peace, telling us that men get mad at women and attack them all the time, regardless of their religion.  But, it’s funny, there’s a disproportionately high amount of Muslim men in America beating their wives and/or beheading them, honor-killing their wives, girlfriends, and daughters, and beating up sundry women around America who reject them.  This is about how Islam views women . . . as property, meat, and something to smack around when a punching bag isn’t available (or even when it is).

BTW, Mbarek means “blessed” in Arabic. Let’s hope he isn’t blessed.

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46 Responses

The practitioners of the religion of peace have been busy in New York City the last few days. The New York Times had an article about how a number of New York taxi drivers were cheating their customers by gearing their meters for the higher out-of-town rates even when the service was not out of town.

But their apologists explained that maybe they just inadvertently pressed the wrong knob, or maybe they were tired. Of course none of them was a Muslim. They were probably all Jooos.

Little Al on March 14, 2010 at 4:19 pm

And no mention of the man being Muslim in the NYPost article.


Dave on March 14, 2010 at 4:33 pm

Thanks Debbie, American women have to relearn what demure and discreet as well as modest mean. Rather than limiting our freedom, they give it to us because we learn early who we are and that we have dignity and self worth.
My daughter is mature and safely married and my granddaughter is in a committed relationship with talk of marriage upon graduation but I worry about the others who’ve been taught that it’s ok to dress like tramps and go to bars and expect
“No” to mean “No!” Years ago I told an American girl here in Israel not to wear her shorts into a small town. She said she could wear anything she wanted and she
wasn’t a tramp. No, she was a very nice girl. I explained that the society was different and if she wanted to avoid unpleasantness she would listen. Well, she didn’t but she came back to me and told me I was right that horrible things were said to her by loitering men. Thank G-d it was just verbal but she said she’d never do it again and she didn’t.

mk750 on March 14, 2010 at 5:15 pm

Yes, mbarek means “blessed.” Barack as in barack hussein o’bomber, was also meant to be a form of mubarak. On the other hand, Baraq in the name Ehud Baraq means “lightning” in Hebrew [buraq in Arabic].

But I really want to tell you Debbie that we are all waiting to hear you tell us what you think of the outrageous behavior towards Israel of the Hussein O’Bomber gang in the White House.
Do you notice how self-righteous the creep in the WH gets when the civilians killed are killed in “his war” in Afghanistan??

See comments on the O’Bomber gang’s hypocrisy and unconcern for American troops’ welfare.

They are actually promoting apartheid between Jews and Arabs. Why not call it racism?? Jews are not allowed by some farkakter “peace process” not to live here, there or anywhere. Certainly not in Jerusalem.

E: Who cares what it means in Hebrew? He’s a Muslim, and it’s an Arabic name. The Hebrew meaning is irrelevant. Also, you might wanna read a little more closely, as I did address this, last week, including the Biden comment:

Eliyahu on March 14, 2010 at 6:14 pm

Sounds like NFL, NBA, or perhaps UFC material to me.

The Terrorist's Advocate on March 14, 2010 at 6:26 pm

Americans better wake up and wake up fast. These freak muslims should not even be allowed in to the USA. Let them stay in a muslim country..they’re not wanted here.
Does the reader know that “Islam is not in the USA to assimilate…Islam is in the USA to dominate?”
That…out of the mouth of a muslim…here in the USA.

astral7 on March 14, 2010 at 6:41 pm

Gotta love his defence…”Hey, she yelled at me and pushed me”. Where were her friends? Makes the argument that all women should head to the stalls in pairs when they can. Another reason to arm women with any and all forms of weaponry. He’ll get out in five after converting two dozen morons in prison.

Bob on March 14, 2010 at 7:43 pm

Why have you taken up the religion to the level of being the reason of assault. Had he been a true Muslim in the first stage, he wouldn’t have liked to be in America, (got it 🙂 secondly, he has no beard at all, without all these signs, no one would truly believe that Islam teaches what he did.

Should the Muslims think likewise about Christinas, as all the Christians rushed to War in Iraq and Afghanistan simultaneously, should the Muslims think of Blair, Bush, Jose Maria Aznar as the brutal Christians, Crusaders in other terms, who rushed to war as some kind of biblical-doctorin.

I mean I don’t smell the sense of yours as I have heard about America, you don’t sound impartial, you just sound anti-muslim, you just don’t utilze your rights the right way, you just are abusive of your profession. In Sindhi language we call educated like you as “LITERATE-CUM-ILLITERATE”

Truth-talker on March 14, 2010 at 8:38 pm

    @truth talker. Scum like you make smart people anti muslim because we should be. You dance in the streets when terror attacks are successful, when American soldiers are wounded, and the list goes on. Truth talkers like you would probably have your tongue cut out in a sharia law country for your indiscretions.
    Where is your condemnation for this muslim dog? Nowhere because you are of the same scumbag cult he is.

    Joe on March 14, 2010 at 8:50 pm

      Another anti-muslim, who says “We should be”!
      At least our governments don’t rush to invade other countries, as elected heads, such as you elect your heads as terrorist then allow them to invade other countries.

      Talking about Rape, which country has the highest rate of rape even brutal rapes, have you even read the statistics on this? I guess idiots like you stick to literate-cum-illiterate Debbie for councilship 🙂 It is America, who killed Meredith K. in Italy she was an American, how come a 22 year old knew about drugs, acts of violence like killing her being a student of university, is that what schools teach to women like Knox.

      Who cuts my tongue, you idiot, even though this blog is extremely anti-muslims, yet it is accessble in Muslim country what do you call North Korea, do you have left some metabolism in your head called Brains having read what I just told you, it is accessble in Muslim country EVEN though this blog is anti-muslim you idiot punk.

      The most accidents, suicides, divorces, break-ups, sleep-offs, and grusome murders take place in your moderate and developed country like America. It is not even your country, Columbus didn’t find any whites when he discovered America, you all are in some way descendents of either Irish, British, French, Germans, Spaniards, Greeks, etc.

      Truth-talker on March 14, 2010 at 9:22 pm

        It is best to engage muzzies with steel. Not keyboards. They are just as cowardly with the woman beating as they are at war. Which is why the rules of engagement are stupid. Muzzies will drop weapons and act non chalant to avoid a fight. Unless they are fighting a woman and honor killings against a female relative. Any time I’ve ever had a muzzie get some what tough they always get dumped on their ass. Maybe they should pray more?lol

        Joe on March 15, 2010 at 10:12 am

        in my language we call your type literate scum

        drdean on March 15, 2010 at 2:15 pm

      JOE Wrote—@truth talker. Scum like you make smart people anti muslim because we should be. You dance in the streets when terror attacks are successful, when American soldiers are wounded, and the list goes on. Truth talkers like you would probably have your tongue cut out in a sharia law country for your indiscretions.
      Where is your condemnation for this muslim dog? Nowhere because you are of the same scumbag cult he is.
      Joe on March 14, 2010 at 8:50 pm

      Mr Joe Sarmuta ,wake up or go live in Saudi Arabia…I fought these people 3 years in the Army,they dont care about anyone…And the rich muslim countries ,only help because ,If they did not,THEY WOULD BE ATTACKED ALSO..

      Gig Bitran on March 14, 2010 at 10:19 pm

        WTF who is Sumtra? Bitran go berate somebody face to face and get a hobby. Where is YOUR condemnation for this dog? Get it straight. I don’t have to go to the sand box to get a feel for it. Seeing the savages kill one another is fine, it’s when they kill our troops(who shouldn’t be there in the first place) that I get chafed.

        Joe on March 15, 2010 at 10:27 am

          JOE SARMUTA WROTE____WTF who is Sumtra? Bitran go berate somebody face to face and get a hobby. Where is YOUR condemnation for this dog? Get it straight. I don’t have to go to the sand box to get a feel for it. Seeing the savages kill one another is fine, it’s when they kill our troops(who shouldn’t be there in the first place) that I get chafed. You really are Clueless… If it were not for people like us, that have to fight for Sarmutas like you.You would not be writing this and sticking up for these bastards…get it straight dumbass….Oh and by the way,ask one of your Al qaeda friends what Sarmuta is…Yes the war is in our own backyard ,not just over there in the sandbox,as you put it…but how would you know anyway..

          Gig Bitran on March 15, 2010 at 11:35 am

          To bitran, I’m obviously smart enough to know when somebody is a phony piece of shit and a real soldier. Unless you are a soldier for allah then in that case go munch on a shotgun barrel scumbag. Matter of fact you should check your self into the nearest VA if you are a U.S vet. Delusional is an understatement. I’m a vet and your a dumb ass.

          Joe on March 15, 2010 at 11:36 pm

This is why all women (and men) should be armed. Helps minimize repeat offenders.

Al on March 14, 2010 at 9:02 pm

Per the New York Post ( the guy is actually claiming self defense!

I_AM_ME on March 14, 2010 at 9:20 pm

[But, it’s funny, there’s a disproportionately high amount of Muslim men in America beating their wives and/or beheading them, honor-killing their wives, girlfriends, and daughters, and beating up sundry women around America who reject them. ]

Based on what statistics? The guy who punched Snooki was probably an Italian Catholic. And BTW, the big news of the day, at least in Europe is (surprise, surprise) yet another child sex scandal in the Roman Catholic Church.

Norman Blitzer on March 14, 2010 at 11:25 pm

    Norman, Norman, Norman….Cristians, and that includes Roman Catholics, continually condemn all acts of non-marrital sex. That would include sex with children whether they be of the same sex or not. Yet, Muslems proudly marry off their underage children and, although their Sharia run countries often execute homosexuals, there seems to be a strange acceptance toward men having sex with boys. Funny how both you and the media never mention these shortcomings. I guess it’s the religion of peace, not the religion of ethics.

    Bob on March 15, 2010 at 1:08 am

It is nice to see how he chases his female victim into the women’s restroom. He is such a manly man.

Worry01 on March 15, 2010 at 12:55 am

I can see that you are correct Debbie. You have the Religion of Peace people coming out from under the sinks and refrigerators like cockroaches. Of course, there is no sympathy apparent for the woman who was assaulted. Instead, you get the porcupine defense of Islam. It is really a very primitive tribal reaction that one would expect from an isolated tribe on some Pacific island, but instead you get it here. It is the robotic, defense of the ummah against the kuffar. Whether the individual Muslim is guilty of the offense or not is quite beside the point. Typically, and this has been done on so many blogs, you will get comparisons without citations claiming that crime, and other anti-social behavior is far greater in Western countries than in Muslim ones. The verbal diarrhea continues its cascade until the opponent, though unconvinced, just leaves the scene. There is no intellect involved in this process, but rather brute persistence. It is the verbal equivalent of a suicide bomber, and little else.

Worry01 on March 15, 2010 at 1:43 am


    pat on March 15, 2010 at 2:41 am

Frankly this is typical of the pigs immigration lets in. His only difference is that he thinks his behavior is just fine. He will be rewarded in ‘paradise’.

pat on March 15, 2010 at 2:36 am

Actually crime follows Muslims like fleas. think of a Muslim country a normal person would want to move to………..????????????
Well I guess that mental exercise is over.

pat on March 15, 2010 at 2:40 am

criticism of Islam is fine, but you seem obsessed with the religion. Did a muslim guy dump you or something? Just curious you seem like a jealous crazy ex.

Joe on March 15, 2010 at 3:42 am

    At the other Joe.
    Please see my latest comments to truthtalker. Your obviously another muzzie who wipes with his right and eats with his left. Kisses other men on the lips. Please keepme and my Christian brothers out of your twisted fantasies. We know Muhammeds track record with YOUNG BOYS.LMAO.

    Joe on March 15, 2010 at 10:16 am

criticism of Islam is fine, but you seem obsessed with the religion.

Joe on March 15, 2010 at 3:42 am


It is Islam’s obsession with anything not subjugated to it anywhere in the world that makes them a natural and healthy magnet for our disdain and loathing.

Speaking of Obsession……

Shy Guy on March 15, 2010 at 5:56 am

    Shy Guy, very well said, and so true.

    Is there anything islam doesn’t want to control?

    theShadow on March 16, 2010 at 12:11 am

Religion of Pieces, you mean.

Dernon Ruton on March 15, 2010 at 6:29 am

F.Y.I. : Lafrem is an egyptian copt surname. I know , I’m from there.

Jay on March 15, 2010 at 6:46 am

Too bad he, and his ilk, can’t be deported back to the seventh century for which they so obviously pine so grievously.

Paul D. on March 15, 2010 at 7:16 am

And the INVASION continues…

INVASION USA on March 15, 2010 at 8:10 am

Astral- you must be joking.

“These freak muslims should not even be allowed in to the USA. Let them stay in a muslim country..they’re not wanted here.”

Americans voted one into the highest office in the land!

BitterClinger on March 15, 2010 at 10:49 am

I can’t wait until this camel jockey meets Bubba in a U.S. prison. I also hope that Bubba makes this bastard squeal like a pig.

Jarhead on March 15, 2010 at 10:56 am

Here is a little gem from Egypt:

It is an eye opener.

Worry01 on March 15, 2010 at 12:22 pm

Jarhead: he won’t meet “bubba”, but he will meet “abdulah”, muslim prison convert and get “ministered” to by muslim clerics working the prison.

DS_ROCKS! on March 15, 2010 at 12:36 pm

This is so sad and I feel horrible for the woman who went through this. Unfortunately I am not surprised by this at all. I think I posted something awhile ago in response to another article. Basically, some of the biggest a-holes I ever ran into back in my single club days in Michigan were Muslims. They are VERY persistent and major hypocrites with their drinking and going after whatever American woman will give them a second of attention. And if you blow them off they get pissed or worse. Totally disgusting and worthless people like this just make me angrier each day. Whoever calls this the religion of peace is an idiot.

Angela04 on March 15, 2010 at 12:40 pm


This guy is not Muslim. He is a Copt from Egypt.

zigo on March 15, 2010 at 12:48 pm

I knew he was a Moslem! I think I just won a bet with somebody. My family was robbed several weeks ago and I also know that some of the perps – if not all of them – were Moslem. We happen to be Jewish. They refuse to assimilate.

Julian on March 15, 2010 at 1:28 pm

Mbarek is the sound my cat makes when hocking-up a fur ball on the furniture… always on the furniture… “mmmm…MMMMM…BAREK!”

howardroark on March 15, 2010 at 3:02 pm

zigo – i’ve also seen posts on other sites saying he’s an israeli jew… listen, sport, he’s either a muslim or a cat.

howardroark on March 15, 2010 at 3:05 pm

And we’ve never heard of Coptic families being forced to convert or be tortured, raped and murdered right? Stockholm syndrome for the second generation.

mk750 on March 15, 2010 at 7:24 pm

muslim or not, if there’s someway, somehow I could pay his future inmates to turn him into a popsicle on a broomstick, I would
No relation to Count Vlad here, I just hate this bastard that much…makes me wanna mbarek my lunch

and zigo, as always, you’re a f*^#!n’ liar

theShadow on March 15, 2010 at 9:00 pm

Hey TheShadow, prove that he is a Muslim or don’t call me a liar you piece of doo.

zigo on March 16, 2010 at 4:14 am

hey zigo, you say he’s not a muslim…that’s all the proof I need that he indeed is…Thanks!

theShadow on March 16, 2010 at 10:04 pm

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