March 5, 2010, - 11:59 am

Student Visa Fraud Ring: How Many From Syria, Turkey Disappeared in US?

By Debbie Schlussel

Two more Americans sold out their country–and thankfully got caught by sharp ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents, who investigated and arrested them. It’s called “Operation Class Dismissed,” ICE’s largest bust of student visa fraud ever. Good job, ICE agents.


Lydia Menocal and Ofelia Macia ran the Miami-based Florida Language Institute, which was mostly a phony school, designed to make money by providing foreigners phony student visas and making $2.4 million from the scam. They did this for 600 foreign national aliens, only five percent of whom were actually legitimate students. The rest never showed up to the school and were only “enrolled” so they could enter and stay in the U.S. to do who knows what.  Read the indictment. And note the blonde chick stock photo, above, the phony school used on its website. Whatta crock. How many blonde chicks are named Mohammed and Manuel?

Sadly, ICE has so far only been able to find and arrest 81 of the students. Hopefully, they will find most of the rest. How many of these were from Syria and Turkey, which were among the countries from which the phony students holding student visas emanated? Those students–most certainly Muslims–are the ones to be most concerned about. And it’s unfortunate that the women only face five and ten years, respectively, for selling out America and enabling who knows who to gain entry and disappear.

This  kind of phony student visa stuff goes on all the time.  This is one school they caught.  How many more are there?  Again, kudos to ICE investigators for doing the legwork.

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23 Responses

They only face 5 years? They should throw away the key! Thanks Debbie for bringing this to us.

zippy on March 5, 2010 at 12:06 pm

Excellent! ICE should start on mosques as well.

Jarhead on March 5, 2010 at 12:08 pm


    ice isn’t allowed to go into any religious buildings, regardless of denomination, in “pursuit” of their (mission?). Therefore, mosques are definitely out of the question. Too many political footballs on the field. Hell, the can’t even enter businesses unless they have an ops plan that makes the battle plans for Desert Storm pale in comparison.


    IceNoMore on March 7, 2010 at 1:00 am

      IceNoMore – yeah, I know they can’t do a lot of the stuff I condone. It’s just wishful thinking and hoping that we get someone in command with the balls to seriously take care of this threat to our national security.

      Jarhead on March 7, 2010 at 10:42 am

You are exactly right. This mindset of entitlement of illegal aliens and foreigners is out of hand. They all believe it is their god given right to be in America. That America owes the world everything. I wonder if these two ringleaders are naturalized citizens or not? A lot of it is done in warm weather cities because it fits the climate from which many of these illegals come from. I have had discussions with these scumbags before and when it comes down to it they rationalize that everyone is coming here illegally so why not them.

This nation has become one big Flop House. The census should be the time every tens years to be counted and purge the ones that shouldn’t be here. Instead we tell illegals to be counted and their voice will be heard through congressional representation. Representation without nationalization. Just get on the boat before Obama’s Amnesty leaves the port.

CaliforniaScreaming on March 5, 2010 at 12:39 pm

sadly, our borders are all too open to everyone from a country that either is poor or that hates us. The countries that we would want immigration from are subject to strict rules and regulations. We only allow a strict number of legal German immigrants per year, but illegal Mexicans are rampant.

Kaiser Sozay on March 5, 2010 at 3:22 pm

Kaiser Sozay

Sadly, our own Government is trying to destroy our country from within with mass immigration to destroy the middle class.

We need to completely replace Congress this coming election to send the message loud and clear we are not going to take it any more.

ScottyDog on March 5, 2010 at 3:38 pm

Ditto on the flophouse theme. It’s all the fault of Emma Lazarus, with her “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled…” blah, blah. I wish the freakin’ statue of liberty had sunk on its way to the our shores from France. And to all those apologists who blame the USA for the world’s evils, you’re absolutely right! That’s the way of the world, baby! If it wasn’t the USA, it’d be some other country with, quite probably, an even worse foreign policy agenda.

Graty Slapchop on March 5, 2010 at 4:08 pm

Graty, I disagree about the Statue of Liberty. If you had kept writing, you would have reached the part about “…yearning to be free.” I don’t have a problem with immigrants who come here yearning to be American. The Muslim immigrants very often hate America, and hate freedom. They come here to make money, which they send back overseas, and take advantage of our welfare. Many of the Mexican immigrants seem to be slow in embracing some parts of American culture, but I do not think they will ever look to kill someone else because they don’t attend the same religious service.

JP Detroit on March 5, 2010 at 6:37 pm

I wonder if Lydia Menocal is any relation to another fraud Maria Rosa Menocal‘s fantasy text, “Ornament of the World”?

wtd on March 5, 2010 at 7:28 pm

If anyone of the people they got visas for is connected to terror groups then these people can be prosecuted under the Florida State Constitution for treason against the State of Florida. That is if the Feds don’t have the balls to do it. The Florida Constitution covers a lot of things that the state can press if the Feds won’t.

Mark on March 5, 2010 at 10:49 pm

@ JP Detroit – Forgive me for agreeing to disagree, JP. When you mix wildly disparate cultures in one petri dish, the result is disharmony, resentment, and alienation. The USA was established according to a (broadly) European world view. Our Euro-ancestors may often have hated one another’s guts, but there was enough similarity to encourage integration among subsequent generations. That is, our shared characteristics were sufficient, over time, to render moot our relatively shallow cultural disparities. However, our “tribe” still possesses a hardwired resentment and distrust towards those who not only look different, but insist upon retaining traditions and behavioral patterns that were NEVER part of our common heritage. Call me a racist if you will, but I simply cannot deny the strident voice within that defines my enemies.

Graty Slapchop on March 5, 2010 at 11:28 pm

Too little, too late. They’ll never find the rest of those “students” because they’ve gone under the radar. If they are found, they’ll wind up getting supervised releases and get cut back out on the street because detention and removal is another wrinkle on the sphincter of dhs.

Nice job down there but all it amounts to is a fart in a windstorm. ice still sucks.

(I don’t capitalize any acronyms because it’s a collection of little agencies run by little people)

IceNoMore on March 6, 2010 at 1:53 am

By the way, this isn’t news anyway. This has been going on for years so, regarding how many faux “students” are running around illegally…you do the math.

IceNoMore on March 6, 2010 at 1:55 am

The girls should lose their US citizenship and shipped to Syria. Wouldn’t that be a nice punishment for them.

Marian on March 6, 2010 at 7:20 pm

this issuing of visas for fake “schools” is a well known scam. It’s been going on in Britain for years now…(how the Brits get so many illegals into the country). It was also attempted by the underwear bomber from Nigeria to get yet another visa (a “student” one) into Britain to attend a fake Muslim “school.” (Some reports allege that there are thousands of these “schools” in Britain…some consisting merely of a Post Office Box number.)

And there’s been another fraud (related to Muslim immigrants here in Canada.) It’s how they can get Canadian citizenship without bothering with the residency requirements. A hundred and twenty or so all claimed to have the same address… It’s almost funny, how they scam our Western systems. Fraud artists par excellence.

J.S. on March 6, 2010 at 10:53 pm

To me there is nothing wrong for people to leave their country to another country but the issue is that are we migrating with good intention or bad intention…? If you live in America as a foreigner, place the interest of America above the interest of any other thing be it religion and whatever.. Muslims are seen not to be allowed into United States because they come to pull United States down through destructive actions not to promote its good course.. My advice for United States Government is to be wary of the number of Muslim immigrant into United States so that the down fall of America as a leading nation in the World will not start with people in America..

Christian Nigeria

Christian Nigeria on March 7, 2010 at 8:54 am

To me there is nothing wrong for people to leave their country to another country but the issue is that are we migrating with good intention or bad intention…? If you live in America as a foreigner, place the interest of America above the interest of any other thing around you be it religion and whatever.. Muslims are seen not to be allowed into United States because they come to pull United States down through their destructive act not to promote its good course.. My advice for United States Government is to be wary of the number of Muslim immigrant into United States so that the down fall of America as a leading nation in the World will not start with people in America..

Christian Nigeria

Christian Nigeria on March 7, 2010 at 8:56 am

In this case, some the students are the victims. The Florida Language? Institute was listed on official Immigration websites and forms as a legitimate language school. Some of the students had transferred from state colleges in Florida to the Florida Language Institute – a process which requires the first school to allow the transfer of the I-20. This means that Immigration’s claim that they used this school to get into the country is not true, asn some of them were ALREADY HERE, studying at colleges. The ones who were tricked by the school SHOULD NOT be trapped in a detention center as I type this.
There are young students (And I like how you mention Syria, Turkey when most were 20 something’s from Thailand pursuing a Master’s degree – all of whom had already earned a Bachelors degree in their respective countries or here – are now being “detained” at the Broward Transitional Center. They are basically being imprisoned for being tricked by the operators of the fraudulent school – just as Immigration was for years. These students are not criminals. Not one of them had ANY criminal background of ANY kind. These kids lives have been turned upside-down because of the greed and lies of the schools? operators, and ICE who felt it necessary to lump ALL of the schools students into the same category of “Using the school to illegally enter the country”. This is NOT the case for all of them – some of them had NO IDEA it was a scam school. They simply transferred from another school and found themselves in the middle of this mess, going to the school and finding no one there, classes “canceled” or being told they had to wait 2 hrs. until the “proffessor” would arrive to teach the 2:00pm class at 4:00pm – and the students would be forced to either sit in the tiny hallway and wait for 2 hrs. or leave.

PS: the schools operators/owners are out on bail, meanwhile the students are being held at the Broward Transitional Center in Pompano Beach, FL, including the innocent ones who were transferred from Florida colleges after completing years of verifiable English study and transferred just in time to be picked up by ICE. This is an embarrasment to our country.

Mark Walker on March 8, 2010 at 1:13 pm

This truly is bad news and I feel sorry for the honest foreign students who came here to better themselves and found themselves in the middle of an illegal mess.

I understand that immigration laws are unfortunately necessary, but having been in love with a Peruvian girl, it has been very frustrating to see how difficult and what a long process it would have been to bring her here with me. When one finds himself falling in love and caring for a non-US citizen living overseas, it is when one wished immigration laws were a bit less strict (specially when one is a US citizen with a job and a place to live who just happens to want to share his life with a non-US human being)! To me that is a pretty frustrating situation!!!!

mike on April 4, 2010 at 9:06 pm

Not long ago I recall hearing about a bunch of Afghani “foreign exchange” students who mysteriously disappeared from their university. This is indeed disturbing because in a post 9-11 scenario, we should be putting a cap on all student visas from well known hotbeds of terrorism, and Afghanistan happens to be one of them, if not the rest of the Muslim world. Our pc stupidity will be our own demise unfortunately.

R on March 21, 2011 at 5:01 pm

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