February 16, 2010, - 11:17 am

Hoax or Not, Why Do Guys, er . . . Shnooks, Do This?

By Debbie Schlussel

I’ve written about these stupid, elaborate, involve-the-whole-world-in-your-bidness marriage proposals (and wedding “ceremonies”) before.  And TLC Network once wanted me to co-host this stupid show, “Perfect Proposal” (which involves ridiculously elaborate staged marriage proposals), to which I said a giant, emphatic  “NO.”  As I’ve said before on this site, the more elaborate the proposal, the more short-lived–and likely empty and saccharine–the marriage.  And that’s why I love when these idiots who do these marriage proposals on TV or in a hugely public way get turned down.  If you can’t do it in private over a nice dinner, and you need a gazillion bells and whistles involved, there ain’t nothin’ there worth getting married over, and it’ll only be disastrous from there.  (The same goes for those dumb YouTubed dances down the aisle.)

Meant to get to this one, Sunday Night, and thanks to the many, many readers who sent this.  The video, below, is self-explanatory. And though one news source reports that it was a hoax (and that the New York Rangers staff was in on it), it’s been done so many times before when it isn’t a hoax (just foolish).

Here’s another one from a couple of years ago:

And there are so many more like this.

What motivates a guy to do this? It’s supposed to be a private moment. And if you are, for some bizarre and creepy reason, prompted to propose marriage in front of the world, well . . . you get what you deserve.

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18 Responses

A marriage is supposed to be a couple’s business – not the world’s. I would hazard a guess that no woman likes being put on the spot to give an answer in front of complete strangers. Like the old true and trite saying has it, never ask a question you don’t know the answer to. Guys who blindside a girlfriend usually deserve what they get. And its also a stupid and juvenile stunt.

NormanF on February 16, 2010 at 12:03 pm

Interesting beard the guy was sporting in the mid-court proposal vid.

KK on February 16, 2010 at 12:08 pm

The fans should’ve stood and chanted “You’re a loser!” to the man at that basketball game.

Truth on February 16, 2010 at 12:12 pm

“A marriage is supposed to be a couple’s business – not the world’s. I would hazard a guess that no woman likes being put on the spot to give an answer in front of complete strangers. Like the old true and trite saying has it, never ask a question you don’t know the answer to. Guys who blindside a girlfriend usually deserve what they get. And its also a stupid and juvenile stunt.”

Couldn’t have said it better!

Bob Porrazzo on February 16, 2010 at 12:23 pm

I quietly proposed to my wife…it was rather unspectacular. Been married almost 18 years. If I had it to do all over again? I’d still propose and skip the You-Tube moment.

P. Aaron on February 16, 2010 at 12:25 pm

What a LOSER that guy is! She definitely thought the cons outweighed the pros. Kudos to her!

Jon on February 16, 2010 at 12:28 pm

Like John Wayne said “Life is tough, but it’s tougher when you’re stupid”. Do you think these dumbasses learned their lesson? Probably not, they both had the wrong idea that they knew these women well enough that they would say Yes. I bet that these guys will continue to go through the rest of their lives doing stupid sh#t like this. Perhaps one of them may even win a Dawrin Award.

Jarhead on February 16, 2010 at 12:31 pm

    I meant DARWIN Award. Doh……

    Jarhead on February 16, 2010 at 12:32 pm

This is also sheep mentality. It’s the thing to do now. Individualism is rare. Nothing makes me cringe more than this act of narcissism. I love the use of the word saccharine in describing the probable state of these subsequent marriages. Right on the money. The only thing worse than these proposals are, as said by Debbie, the Youtube dance down the aisle. Yea, that’s sacred.

Gregg S. on February 16, 2010 at 12:51 pm

How did this assclown even get a second date? Let alone to the point of proposal. Good for her! Any “look at me” moron like him deserves lifelong bachelorhood.

Spiffo on February 16, 2010 at 1:04 pm

THE WOMAN in the hockey proposal should’ve accepted. That’s probably the last train pulling into that station. He may be a man-cow, but she ain’t no prize herself.— Hello lonely, hello spinsterhood~

The basketball game woman was more gracious with her clued-out date. She said no to Mr Baffled, but she let him down gently. She’s attractive and she has class, there’ll be another proposal in the future for her, for sure…

A lot of women in North America are throwaway women anyways…

Look for a woman with rock-solid belief in the institution of marriage. Also a woman with a realistic view of marriage. Your spouse IS NOT God. Only God can save you, your spouse cannot. Your spouse is not responsible for your own personal happiness, you are. A spouse contributes, yes… but North American women are far too romantic in their outlook. Love grows deeper over time, trial, and tribulation. And respect always precedes love. And NEVER propose at a sporting event. And my rant is over…

The Canadien on February 16, 2010 at 1:55 pm

Great post, Deb. I never understood this bizarre custom with some guys, either.

DS_ROCKS! on February 16, 2010 at 3:22 pm

you have to admit, in the second video, it’s pretty hilarious @1:11 that the guy is getting consoled by the “rockets bear” mascot

david on February 16, 2010 at 7:21 pm

    david – did you also notice at the very end, as he was being escorted off the court, someone gave him a beer?

    Jarhead on February 16, 2010 at 8:26 pm

It’s the same insanity that motivates a woman to go along with a schlemiel who wants to get married in a Vegas Chapel with an “Elvis” officiating.

Alfalfa on February 17, 2010 at 6:56 am

My proposal to my wife was fairly unromantic–something I attribute to my awkwardness, but we’ve been married 12 years.

Ahmad Rashad, the Official Michael Jordan Brown Noser, publicly proposed to his then-wife Phylicia Rashad. She accepted, but their marriage ended in divorce.

Richard on February 17, 2010 at 9:47 am

Guess I’m on board with the anti-public-spectacle crowd. Actually I kind of take a perverse enjoyment in watching these “hey look at me” guys get shot down. And what guy is so clueless that he would propose in public without knowing that the answer would be yes.

I rank these folks in with the “big proposal in the restaurant with flowers and violinists” and the “dancing down the aisle” and ESPECIALLY with the “theme weddings.” When getting married is a show, and not a sacred joining of two people before God, well, frankly, it’s not about being married. It’s about narcissism. And narcissists love only themselves.

DG in GA on February 17, 2010 at 1:16 pm

I would have known that these proposals were fake. These people are obviously not professional actors and everything came across as extremely phony. What is so pathetic is that people want attention so bad these days that they will set up a stunt like this just to get some air time and make sure they get on You Tube.

Angela04 on February 18, 2010 at 9:55 am

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