July 19, 2007, - 1:57 pm
PETA Wins: Michigan Judge Says Dog is Same as Child
Even though I’m a carnivorous, leather-wearing human who understands the basic truth that animals were meant to serve–and be eaten by–humans, I don’t condone deliberate cruelty against animals. Nor do most of us. We simply resent activists from PETA a/k/a PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans) telling us what we can eat, wear, and have as pets.
Still, while against animal cruelty, it’s difficult to read stories like that of Detroit-area Judge Mary Chrzanowski, who declared yesterday that animals are the same as children. They are NOT.
In sentencing a man for abandoning his dog (the dog starved to death), Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Chrzanowski lectured:
An animal, in this court’s opinion, is no different than a child.
Wrong and disturbing. That a judge would declare this from the bench is yet more evidence that PETA has won. The group sees animals and humans as equals. And now they have at least one judge, Chrzanowski, in their back pocket.
The man was sentenced to 93 days in prison. While deliberate animal cruelty is generally a sign of derangement and a likely capability to commit cruelty against humans, they are not the same. Abandoning a dog and murdering a child are completely different and hardly on the same level.
And we need judges who recognize the difference. Shame on Judge Chrzanowski.
Tags: Debbie Schlussel Even though, Detroit, judge, Macomb County Circuit Court, Mary Chrzanowski, Michigan, Says Dog
Pretty silly decision.
Though inherit in her verdict is a tacit admission that a child’s life is more valuable than a dog’s. (At least I hope so.) I hope there is no judge that would give just 93 days for the death of a child.
zyzzyg on July 19, 2007 at 2:40 pm