January 6, 2010, - 5:07 pm

Al-Balawi, Killer of 8 @ CIA Base, is PALESTINIAN, Not Jordanian

By Debbie Schlussel

I’m getting tired of reading mainstream media descriptions of CIA double-agent Islamic terrorist murderer Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal Al-Balawi, universally referring to him as a “Jordanian.” (He’s the guy who murdered seven CIA agents and a Jordanian handler at a CIA base in Afghanistan, last week.)


A Palestinian’s Work: CIA Base in Afghanistan, 7 Americans Murdered

Please stop.  Al-Balawi is a PALESTINIAN.  And a Palestinian Muslim at that.  Just like most “Jordanian” Muslims.  In excess of 90% of them are Palestinians.  But the media keeps calling them “Jordanians,” so we’ll forget that there actually is already a Palestinian state, where Palestinians continue to be ruled by the Hashemite minority (King Abdullah, his late father, King Hussein, etc.).  Yup, they don’t want us to note their hypocrisy as they whine and cover every tiny incident in which Israel tries to preserve some security for its people, while they look the other way on how the Palestinians are treated in their own country–Jordan.

Like I said, most Jordanian Muslims are actually Palestinian, and over 10,000 of them were killed by King Hussein in Black September in 1970.  Many of the big Al-Qaeda terrorists from Jordan–like Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi–were Palestinians.

Balawi, himself, was born in Kuwait to middle-class Palestinian parents.  But like the many Palestinians in Kuwait and all of the Gulf States, he was not allowed to become a citizen.  None of the Gulf States allow Palestinians to become citizens and their rights are severely infringed because they do not want their populations to become dominated by Palestinian radicalism.  Plus, they do this because they wish to continue to use the Palestinian “refugee” issue against Israel and as a way to occupy their populations with Israel-hatred and make them forget about domestic problems caused by ruling sheikhs.

His family history is yet more evidence that most “Palestinians” aren’t really Palestinian.  His family is described as “a nomadic Bedouin clan from Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, which has branches in Jordan and the West Bank.”  Similarly, many so-called “Palestinians” are really from families originally from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, and other Muslim nations, from which they wandered to Israel and nearby to take advantage of economic opportunities and better irrigation–all of it created by Jews in Israel and Jewish “Palestine.”

Al-Balawi, who murdered eight Americans on the CIA base in Afghanistan, is not only a Palestinian, but he worked at Hittin Palestinian refugee camp in Zarqa, from where Al-Zarqawi (“the Zarqa-ite” or “of Zarqa” in Arabic) hailed.  As in other Jordanian, Syrian, and Lebanese Palestinian refugee camps, the Palestinians of Hittin are not allowed to become citizens of Jordan, and instead, have been forced to live in the camps for decades, so the Arab nations that are home to the camps can maintain a voting, property-owning population with less Palestinians, and so they can continue to use the Palestinian “refugees” as an issue against Israel.

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11 Responses

Yup, once again it’s all Israel’s fault. I love the fact as you point out that all the Arab states refuse to let “Palestinians” become citizens of their countries. None of the other Arab states do anything to help their fellow Muslims, they just continue to blame Israel for their plight.
Now as I understand it, and I could be wrong, wasn’t Jordan created as the Palestinian state? Just as India annexed what we now call Pakistan for the Muslims there. Now of course we see that Pakistan isn’t big enough for the Muslims they want India as well. It doesn’t matter how much you give them, they want it ALL.

perception of truth on January 6, 2010 at 6:10 pm

I can’t blame the Hachemite rulers for protecting their subjects from terrorists. If my memory is correct, from some time shortly after the 1973 Yom Kippur war and until Arafat’s return from Tunisia, some people living in Jordan peacefully commuted to jobs in Israel on a daily basis. Jordan and Israel had a de facto peace that was good for the residents of both nations. You could even call it a two-state solution that worked. I don’t believe Jordan allowed terrorists to use Jordanian territory as a base. It seems to me that Israel’s biggest mistake was trying to be “humanitarian” in 1967 instead of pacifying the conquered territories as every other sovereign nation had done in the history of the world.

Al in St. Lou on January 6, 2010 at 6:25 pm

Channel 4 News reported last night that one of the Arab-Americans who created the “9/11 pride” t-shirt did it in protest of the images in the media of Arabs in the wake of the underpants bomber terrorist attack. It is sickening.

97.1’s Pat Kapudo (?) was talking about it tonight. A female caller brought up Israel and said the U.S. only supports Israel because there are lots of “rich Jews” here. Pat’s reply was only something to the effect of Jews and Arabs get along here, and we don’t want Arabs attacking Jews or Jews attacking Arabs. I was sickened. The issue should be Muslims who hate America, and the complicity of the local Muslim population in America hatred. Stop blaming the Jooos for everything the Muslims do!!!!!

AL: That’s disgusting. Pat Caputo is a complete ignoramus. But that he’d say nothing about this obvious anti-Semitism is disgusting. DS

AL on January 6, 2010 at 7:55 pm

“…PALESTINIAN, Not Jordanian

There’s a difference?

(Remember Sirhan Sirhan? He was “Jordanian,” too.)

yonason on January 6, 2010 at 10:24 pm

What Yonason said. Jordan is Palestine.

SG: Exacty–that Jordan is Palestine is part of the point of this post, noted in this quote from above:

[T]here actually is already a Palestinian state, where Palestinians continue to be ruled by the Hashemite minority (King Abdullah, his late father, King Hussein, etc.). . . . [T]hey look the other way on how the Palestinians are treated in their own country–Jordan.


Shy Guy on January 7, 2010 at 1:36 am

I’d like to see an American President finally stand up and acknowledge that Jordan IS the Palestinian state everyone is screaming for. It’s right under your nose. Stop this ridiculous notion that Israel has any responsibility for this problem, except to defend their citizens against an ongoing Muslim jihad against the Jews. The real tragedy is that the international community knows this already. “Peace” indeed.

JLin on January 7, 2010 at 9:14 am

Whats a “Palestinian???””””

shmujew on January 7, 2010 at 2:42 pm

“…many so-called “Palestinians” are really from families originally from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, and other Muslim nations, from which they wandered to Israel and nearby to take advantage of economic opportunities and better irrigation–all of it created by Jews in Israel and Jewish “Palestine.”” — DS

But did you know that many are also from the Balkans?!
“The close ties between Palestinian and Bosnian Muslims—also called “Bushnaks,” their Arabic, Turkish name—was shown in World War II: The infamous mufti Hajj Amin el-Husseini, uncle of today’s PLO member Faisal el-Husseini, set up an “Islamic Legion” consisting of Bushnaks to fight for Hitler. They wanted to help their Palestinian cousins by killing as many Jews as possible so that none would be left to emigrate to the land of Israel after the war.”

That’s right. And if you Google the terms “Bushnak” and “Palestinian” (try variant spellings of Bushnak for more results) you will be surprised at how many you can actually find.

And that’s another reason why Clinton’s Bastardization of Bosnia, and Bush’s subsequent acceptance of it, was so much a part of the evil confronting the world today.

yonason on January 7, 2010 at 3:55 pm

The perverted, purloined and backward version of judaism used by barbaric tribesman without the capacity for civilized life must be eradicated like any common bacteria in the body politic. Tribesmen using a death cult from the 7th century to justify murdering innocent people using unseen bombs hidden in underwear is a plague on civilization and human progress. Arabs are Tribal peoples amd have no capacity for civilization. They have created nothing, live to expand their territories in order to find more grazing land for their sheep and destroy human progress. There is no reason for us to accept their harrasment. These are primitive peoples deserving of violent reaction from the civlized in order to protect what we build.

shmujew on January 8, 2010 at 10:29 am

So sorry to see this blindness………

Debbie Schlussel As a journalist you must read more and more about the middle east …………
I’ll be begin from you had finished ….
first as you said Al-Zarqawi is Palestinian and this clear that you don’t know any think about him because he is Jordanian from Bedouin clan called “bani Hassan” and they don’t have any relations with Palestine ….

Second you said ““Palestinians” are really from families originally from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, and other Muslim nations, from which they wandered to Israel and nearby to take advantage of economic opportunities and better irrigation–all of it created by Jews in Israel and Jewish “Palestine.””
This absolute wrong because most of Palestinians are Originally from Palestine But for Billi(The tribe of Al-Balawi) where new in Palestine and they count nearly to 200 persons ….. and when you say that all Palestinians are not real form Palestine this mean that you are not real educate in the history of the middle east because any person know that Jewish came to Palestine with the British occupation and before that where no Jewish in Palestine but Do you think that they came to empty area?don’t you ? I think so because you have many historical mistake PLEASE PLEASE READ MORE because there where arab Palestinians in it

Finlay I hope you will read more historical stuff before you talk about The history of Palestine
read read read ad read read ad read read read read read r read read ad read read read read read d read re read read read read re read read re read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read read

Abdullah Al-Balawi on May 15, 2010 at 12:18 pm

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