November 5, 2009, - 5:32 pm
Shocker: Man Who Shot Up Ft. Hood Soldiers Was Muslim (and a “Loyal” Muslim U.S. Soldier); Islamic Terrorism & Jihad, Period; An Islamic Doctor Who Murdered; Palestinian
*** UPDATE: Nidal Malik Hasan is Palestinian. Figures. ****
Born and reared in Virginia, the son of immigrant parents from a small Palestinian town near Jerusalem, he joined the Army right out of high school, against his parents’ wishes. The Army, in turn, put him through college and then medical school, where he trained to be a psychiatrist.
Yeah, I wonder if that “Palestinian” town is actually Palestinian or part of the Islamic encroachment on Israel. Either way, he had every opportunity given to him by American taxpayers. And he murdered them anyway. This isn’t just the Palestinian way. It’s the Islamic way. And we expect Israel to make peace with guys like this? Even in the midst of the land of plenty, look at how they behave.
*** UPDATE: Damn, this cretinous Islamic mass murderer is still alive. ****
*** NEW UPDATE: NBC News reports that mass murderer Nidal Malik Hasan was an Army DOCTOR (like my dad was, only he was a healer, not a jihadist killer). Remember what I told you about Muslim Docs (here and here)? He was a psychiatrist. See here also.***
Ah, you knew this was coming. And the name of the soldier who shot up his fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood U.S. Army Base and killed them is . . .
MAJOR NIDAL MALIK HASAN. **** UPDATE: NBC NEWS Says it’s “Nidal Malik Hassan or Hasan.” ****
Religion of Peace – The Cancer Has Metastasized:
Muslim American Doctor-Soldier Committed Ft. Hood Massacre
Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan: Another Jihadist Muslim Medical Professional
Nidal Malik Hasan. Sounds Wiccan or Fijian to me. How ’bout you?
12 dead, 31 wounded. Yup, another loyal, moderate American Muslim. Another loyal, moderate American Muslim serving in the U.S. military. Nope, it’s not jihad at all. Why on earth would you say that? Islamophobia?
And they caught two other suspects who helped him out in the massacre. Let me guess. They have names like Ahmed, Mahmoud, or Imad. Just a guess.
What’s that they keep telling us about how Muslims who commit terrorism aren’t the American ones? What’s that they keep telling us about how Muslims who kill Americans are only doing so because they don’t have opportunities for education or a good economic situation like they do in America? **** UPDATE: This guy was a Medical Doctor. ****
And, oh, yeah, think of Major Malik Nadal Hasan (and all of the other Muslim American traitorous soldiers in the U.S. military who’ve shot their fellow soldiers up and killed them or otherwise helped the enemy), whenever you hear about how Muslims serve their country in the U.S. military.
Well, actually, they do serve “their country” in the U.S. military. And their country is Dar Al-Islam and greater Koranistan.
It’s Islamic terrorism, stupid. Wait, that’s repetitive. It’s Islam, stupid.
Say a prayer for these soldiers who were killed and injured. G-d bless them. They fought Islam in Iraq and Afghanistan. And now Islam has killed them because we let it fester on our own soil. Very sad, indeed.
Tags: Army, Army Doctor, cancer has metastasized, cancer within, doctor, Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan, Fort Hood, Ft. Hood, Islam, Islamic, Islamic Terrorism, Jihad, Killeen, killing, Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, Major Malik Nadal Hasan, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, Malik Nadal Hasan, massacre, Muslim, Nadal Malik Hasan, Nidal Malik Hasan, Nidal Malik Hasan MD, Palestinian, Religion of Peace, soldier, Syria, terrorism, Texas, U.S. Army Base, US Army U.S. Army, Virginia
Men never do evil so completely and so cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction……….Blaise Pascal.
straliangirl on November 6, 2009 at 5:07 pm